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Resources:Phase II awardees

Here are all the forms you need to manage your Phase II award.

Additional awardee information

Spreading the word

As an awardee, you’re the face of our program, and we hope you’ll share news of your successes for years to come. Learn how to become an ambassador.

About America’s Seed Fund

America’s Seed Fund, powered by NSF, awards $200 million annually to startups and small businesses, transforming scientific discovery into products and services with commercial and societal impact. Startups working across almost all areas of science and technology can receive up to $2 million in non-dilutive funds to support research and development (R&D), helping de-risk technology for commercial success. America’s Seed Fund is congressionally mandated through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. The NSF is an independent federal agency with a budget of about $9 billion that supports fundamental research and education across all fields of science and engineering. For more information, visit

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